I love that I can take my kids for a walk and there are so many places where public buildings and greenery are right next to each other! In larger cities it really does become a concrete world. This was taken in the lot next to the old pumping station and the current Chamber of Commerce office. As soon as the kids saw the single dandelion in the grass, they remembered the endless fields of these that they saw last year. They were both so happy to see it growing there. Which brings me to one thing I love about kids - they know that weeds can be beautiful.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
An Evening Swing
I think most parents can appreciate when the days start to get a bit longer. When darkness falls early it usually means I don't get to spend as much time with the kids as I would like to, but the days are getting longer in North Perth, and it was so unseasonably warm around here this week. Here's my daughter enjoying a swing in the evening and she was plenty warm without sleeves! We sure enjoyed the sneak peek at summer and took advantage of it!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Gone Parking
Finally! It has been a long winter of "Can we go to the park?" and finally we were able to take the kids again without worrying about losing the little one in the snow. Listowel has an awesome park, and our kids absolutely love it!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Biker Babe
Well, today was my daughter's first day on a bike. She hopped on her big sister's old trike, and I had to snap a few shots before I made her get off since we didn't have a helmet for her yet. Don't worry - she's got a helmet now and she's all about the bike. I'm sure all over North Perth there are kids about her age that have had their first bike rides in the past few weeks, and I hope all of them are enjoying it as much as this little one!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Why I'm Here
Not just an existential post, although the two kids in this photo are definitely the best thing about being "here." More pertinent (at the moment) is that like many people, one of the reasons I love North Perth is that it's a great place to raise my kids.
I wanted to do a series that showed kids in North Perth. The nature of this street photography thing kind of means I don't have models or anything, so I used the two I see most often - my own kids - for a series this week. They are not always the most willing models, but I do think they're the cutest ;)
One of our favourite things to do is hit the trails for a walk!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Best Buds
The buds are out on the trees today, and with all the little (literally very small) things that are springing to life lately, I find I'm doing a lot of macro-type photography, so you can probably expect some of this until the joy of Spring wears off on me. I hope that's okay :)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Have a Seat
I'm sure that by now most people have noticed the way cool benches around town. I thought they were pretty neat so I decided I'd shoot them (with the camera, that is).
As I'm actually posting this on Apr. 29, but back-dating it to the date it was taken:
Incidentally, it has become a game for the kids to find these benches on our walks. The favourite so far is the pigs at CIBC on Main and Wallace. The kids fight over who gets to sit with the happy one. I'm not really sure how they know which one is happy.
I'll be posting more, but some technical issues are keeping me from uploading them onto the computer.
Monday, April 7, 2008
water water everywhere
I know I've got some 'splaining to do... I have lots of images to get up here from the last few weeks, but computer problems, time issues, and all that fun stuff have kept me away. I will "back date" the photos to the day they were taken.
Hope it was at least kind of worth the wait....
Sunday, April 6, 2008
The Bug
The plants are starting to come up, and so of course the bugs are coming out. Seeing lots of these guys this Spring!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
Yup - it looks like life is returning to North Perth. These are the first things I've seen growing so far this year.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
How do you sleep?
Well, this photo's a little different, but I saw all these beds lined up and I had no idea why! I thought it would make a funny photo for today. If anyone was thinking of having a nap down by the river, I guess now's your chance!
I wanted to add that I've changed the comments setting so that anyone can post, and you don't have to be a registered blogger user. So please comment away!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Here Comes the Sun!
I think Spring is coming, for real this time, to North Perth. It was a great sunny day today!
That's the official North Perth Daily photo up there, but here are a couple from my walk with my kids. I promise not to inundate you all with photos of my kids (even though they are pretty cute!!) so I've been sticking to shots of their backs! Hope you don't mind a couple from our walk.
This was the first day we've been able to get back on the trail! Finally not too much snow or water for the little ones to trek through. We were excited!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A Great Day for Ducks
... or Canada geese! I found these guys down at the park - where the water was ridiculously high from the big thaw of last week's blizzard. There were a few flakes of the white stuff falling while I was out today, but I'm hoping there won't be too much more of that!
Happy April Everybody!