Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bad Bad Blogger

Well, if you're a fan of the blog (and thank you for the support I've received) then you've probably noticed that it hasn't been updated daily. Thanks for continuing to check in. The year did not stay as quiet and peaceful as the beginning of January was, so I've chosen to spend most of my spare minutes with my kids rather than out shooting.

I will continue to update this blog when I get out shooting around town. It's something I love to do, and I really appreciate the interest people have shown in this blog, which was really only meant to show the results of one of my favourite hobbies. I suppose I would have been quite capable of posting a snapshot here every day, but snapshots aren't really my thing, so I've been holding off until I have time to do something a little more meaningful.

Tomorrow's a holiday, so mother nature willing, I may slip out in the afternoon while the kids are napping and shoot around and get some photos up here. Again, I thank everyone for taking an interest in what I've been up to.